Head Hurt? It May Be Sugar!

There is such a thing as a sugar hangover. It may sound silly, but this phenomenon does exist. Sugar can impact your body in many negative ways, but the sugar hangover seems to be the one set of symptoms that almost all people experience who are addicted to sugar.

First, let me address the symptoms of a sugar hangover, which can be obtained through eating foods that naturally contain sugar (like fruit) or by consuming processed sugar (cookies, candy, dessert coffee drinks, etc.);

  • Fuzzy thinking or foggy mind
  • Fatigue or sleepiness after meals
  • Gas, bloating or extended stomach after meals
  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin problems
  • Allergy symptoms
  • Mood swings (anger, sadness, lack of will power, depression, etc.)

Since sugar has an impact on your body, just like if you were to go out drinking all night, your organs will be touched by consuming too much sugar. Here is how this works;

First, your pancreas is pressured to release insulin because your body knows it is working on overload. Next, the insulin helps to use up the sugar rapidly, so blood sugar will then crash. And then your body goes into a sugar low or hypoglycemia and more hormones are released to deal with the sugar low.

Oh, it isn’t over yet. Your body then returns to a balanced state (just like if you were to sleep off a night of drinking) and this process causes a stress response within your body, making hormones squeeze sugar from your liver-  which spikes your blood sugar level. This entire process causes chaos within your body and literally makes you feel hung over… headache and all!

The impact to your organs from over eating sugar isn’t worth it. In fact, I’m so committed to helping everyone who reads my blogs develop healthier eating habits, I’m giving away free recipes each and every Friday as part of my Sugar-Free Summer campaign. All you have to do is sign-up for my free newsletter. You don’t need a credit card. You will not be asked to buy anything. Most importantly, you will not receive product pitches or sales letters. The only thing you will get is a free recipe each and every Friday to help you transition to a better quality of life and sugar-free lifestyle when it comes to food. That’s it, I promise!