3 Reasons Why Sugar Sucks!

I’m always talking about how sugar is more addicting than cocaine and how it changes the brain in the same way as any chemical addiction. There is plenty of scientific evidence to back up this statement, just run a Google search. But, as we head into summer, I want to share the top 3 reasons why sugar sucks when it comes to your health.

#1. Sugar will kill your liver. Overloading The Liver With Fructose Can Cause Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. This can lead to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), a growing problem in Western countries that is strongly associated with metabolic diseases. Studies show that individuals with fatty liver consume up to 2-3 times as much fructose (sugar) as the average person.

#2. Blindness and much more. That’s right,  having too much sugar in the blood is highly toxic and one of the reasons for complications of diabetes, like blindness. This  type of sugar overload reaction is also known as insulin resistance, which is believed to be a leading driver of many diseases… such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.

#3. Cancer. Yes, there are scientists who believe that having constantly elevated insulin levels (a consequence of sugar consumption) can contribute to cancer. The metabolic problems associated with sugar consumption are a known driver of inflammation, another potential cause of cancer. Multiple studies show that people who eat a lot of sugar are at a much higher risk of getting cancer.

Want to learn how you can quit sugar? Please contact me and let’s talk.
