8 Tips to Beat Sugar Cravings

8 Tips to Beat Sugar Cravings

If you’re dreaming of donuts and having a hard time controlling your urges to give into that morning muffin or that sweet afternoon pick-me-up, you’re certainly not alone. My own sugar addiction had me making terrible food choices for years, literally keeping trapped in an endless cycle of reaching for foods that gave me satisfaction for a little while, but ultimately left me feeling like a loser most of the time. Yet there was something inside of me that wasn’t ready to throw my hat into the ring. I did have to gather up the courage to face my opponent once and for all. The time finally came when I just knew I had to beat sugar cravings… and it took a serious 1-2 punch! You see, my drug of choice was ANY chocolate chip cookie. It was a “go-to” that kept me wanting more! I just couldn’t understand how those innocent cookies had such powerful control over my thoughts and actions. I was at their mercy and I didn’t know why or what to do about it. Sugar certainly seems sweet, but honestly is anything but. We crave sugar because it literally changes our brains. Sugar is a carbohydrate, and carbohydrates are responsible for releasing serotonin (the “feel good” chemical) in the brain. The more sugar you eat (and it’s in practically everything) the more you crave to feel good. It can be hard to fight off sugar cravings, especially when your body has become addicted to sugar. The thing is it doesn’t have to be so darn difficult to quit the ceaseless cycle of poor choices when it comes to food. Once you know how to beat sugar cravings, it’s much easier to make healthier choices and feel good naturally. Cutting out sugar and controlling your cravings will seriously change your life. It did mine. Once I got a hold of my sugar addiction and learned easy ways to fight off sugar cravings I was happier, had more energy, and started craving healthy foods rather than the ones that were dragging me down. If you’re ready to stop those sugar cravings for good and become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself you can possibly be, try some of the following tips to cut out your sugar cravings. They worked for me, which is exactly why I’m here to share them with you today.

Here are My 8 Tips to Beat Sugar Cravings (and make healthier choices too!)

1. Stop Consuming Sugar — Cold Turkey

That’s right. Just stop. While it may sound impossible to you right now, cutting out sugar cold turkey is one of the best ways you can start to make healthier choices. A word of caution and advice…be sure to wean off of sweets for at least a week and then pick your “stop date”. While the first 2-3 days will undoubtedly be a bit difficult, quitting sugar cold turkey will make things easier in the long run.

2. Stay Away from Processed Foods

Processed foods have serious potential for addiction. They’re full of unnatural ingredients that make our brains think we need them and have been shown to be as addictive as cocaine. Cut out your consumption of processed foods by adding in REAL foods and you’ll be well on your way to making healthier choices. Read your labels and forgo anything with ingredients you can’t pronounce. Don’t do fast-food and definitely ditch anything labeled “reduced fat” or “diet”. Trust me you’re not doing yourself any favors by continuing to consume sugary processed foods.

3. Get Plenty of Exercise

Exercise is absolutely your ally when it comes to fighting off sugar cravings and making healthier choices. But go easy on yourself When you’re hit with the need for something sweet, try taking a walk instead. Not only will it take your mind off your cravings but will give your body the movement it needs to stay healthy and strong. You don’t have to run the marathon to win the race over your sugar addiction… just move your body!

4. Naturally Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Feeling the need to get your fix with a candy bar or cookie? Try reaching for something naturally sweet instead. Blueberries and strawberries not only contain natural sugars that will help curb your cravings, but are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients your body needs. One of my faves is a cup of frozen cherries…you just have to try it!

5. Change the Way You Snack

Rather than reaching for the same old snack every time a sugar craving hits, try changing the way you snack. Nuts, seeds with small amounts of sulfur-free dried fruit are an excellent combination that will curb your cravings and keep you making healthier choices. Once your body becomes accustom to healthier choices, it’s these foods you’ll begin to crave rather than the sugary treats you’re used to. Be sure to chew! Those little guys are a powerhouse of goodness: protein, fats and fiber, as well as many terrific minerals.

6. Increase Your Intake of Greens

There’s nothing like the power of greens to keep you healthy and beat sugar cravings. A green smoothie is an amazing way to increase energy, control cravings, and help you lose weight. When I started drinking green smoothies my life changed drastically. Sugar cravings were gone, my energy levels were amazing, and I started feeling alive like I hadn’t in years. I challenge you to a quart of green smoothie for a month. You will be amazed at the “other” benefits of this new habit, besides kicking your sugar habit!

7. Stabilize Your Blood Sugar 

Your blood sugar levels need to stay stable to avoid giving into the sugar cravings that keep you reaching for unhealthy options. Eat three meals a day, along with a small snack between meals. Make each meal a good balance of lean protein, healthy fats, fiber (from veggies and low glycemic fruits) and you are good to go! Serving sizes are important…too much of 1 macronutrient could throw you out of balance. Know your portions sizes. If you need help be sure to contact me and we can make a plan that will work specifically for you! Email me at roseann@roseannzaft.com or click here to see exactly how we can work together.

8. Keep Your Stress Levels Low

There’s nothing like stress to keep you reaching for foods that temporarily make you feel good. Unfortunately our modern lifestyles are often accompanied by high stress levels and endless to-do lists. Excess stress actually increases your stress levels due to an increase in cortisol, which in turn damages adrenal function and keeps you craving sugary snacks. Meditation or gentle movement like yoga can help you reduce stress levels and your tendency to reach for sugary snacks. Don’t have time for that? Then carry a little bottle of CPTG Essential Oils. Research shows that inhaling EOs (essential oils) can produce a calming effect on your brain.

When I became aware of my own sugar addiction, I also became adamant about ways to beat my sugar cravings and begin to make healthier choices. And guess what? Once I started it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. And it doesn’t have to be hard for you either.

Need More Help? These tips aren’t a big secret. They work, but sometimes we need a little help along the way. I even wrote the book on it to help you. It’s called the “All Natural Sugar Detox”. Have you checked it out yet? This is also why I developed my all natural sugar detox. I saw too many people I love throw in the towel and feel defeated by sugar. I wanted to help these people and others to finally be able to put up a good fight and beat sugar cravings for good while they develop healthier eating habits. This program gives you the blow by blow steps to claim victory over the sinister opponent, sugar! Once you start cutting out the bad stuff and replacing it with what’s good, your body will begin to crave what it needs and make you feel so much better in the process. No one wants to stay slave to the sugar or a glutton for any more punishment from the effects of sugar. As good as it might taste, there’s foods out there that taste just as good and don’t do detrimental damage to your health. And it only takes about ten days to start to turn things around. If you’re ready to take control of your sugar cravings, it’s time to change the way you think about the food you’re putting in your body. A little knowledge goes a long way, and knowing how to cut out your cravings is an excellent place to start. Start right now! You can be saved by the bell by using any one or all of my 8 tips and you will beat your sugar addiction too.  Was this blog helpful? IF you have any questions you can email me at roseann@roseannzaft.com or click here start a conversation on how we can work together.