Basil is a Blessing

Basil is a Blessing!

Many people don’t realize just how powerful basil and oregano are during the flu season. These two very milk herbs can have a big impact on your immune system. Of course, even with mild herbs – you should always talk with a medical professional before adding anything new into your daily health regime.

“Grown originally in Asia and the Middle East, basil traveled the world along the spice trail. It has been grown and used for 5000 years and has hundreds of varieties and is now cultivated in many countries. All of its varieties have unique and individual chemical make-ups; and yet the base medicinal properties remain consistent from one strain to another,” – Off The Grid News

Basil is a natural anti-inflammatory when eaten raw or cooked. It can help to ease joint pain and reduce swelling in the nasal cavities. Additionally, basil has the same natural components as medical marijuana, and is said to help calm nerves and elevate the capacity of the lungs during flu season.  Basil also contains cinnamanic acid, which has been found to enhance circulation and stabilize blood sugar.

Oregano naturally contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, foliate, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium, and potassium. It is great on foods, in salads, and as a topper for any multi-grain bread you may serve.  Consistent consumption of oregano can help to prevent the flu, or viruses, simply because of all the vitamins and minerals that the herb holds.

Oregano has one of the highest antioxidant activity ratings, with 42 times the antioxidant punch of apples. Additionally, Oregano extract has been shown to “lead to growth arrest and cell death in a dose-and time-dependent manner” in colon cancer cells within various medical studies.

All this information aside, if you feel a cold coming on- a tablespoon or two of basil or oregano isn’t going to do the trick. You need to utilize these two fresh herbs consistently overtime to really obtain any true benefit from them. I like to freeze them into ice-cubes and add them to my water. I also add them to my salads and I add basil to fresh strawberry and fruit mixes.

Unlike other and harsher herbs, basil and oregano are pretty benign and usually can be consumed by all people of all ages. So, if you want to start offsetting the flu season in a natural way, try a basil and oregano combination!