Is there such a thing as healthy sugars?

Today I want to talk about “healthy” sugars. Do they really exist?  We all pretty much know that sugar is bad for you, yet we continue to eat it.  As I am writing you on the preface to my book coming out on the topic, I started to think about “healthy” sugars.

There are people who believe sugar alternatives are, indeed, healthy for you. This isn’t always the case. Some artificial sweeteners / sugar alternatives have been linked to cancer, diabetes and much more.

So what are you to do? Agave, once touted as one of the healthiest natural alternatives, now gets routinely slammed for its high content of fructose.  Well, there are some alternatives to using straight, white sugar but you have to be careful and you still have to be conservative with portion size.

REAL Maple Syrup is a good alternative to sugar, artificial sugar or Agave. It is the harvested sap of maple trees, which is then boiled down and filtered in sugar houses

Maple Syrup generally is comprised of 70 percent sucrose, with a low fructose level, and has been found to contain antioxidants. So, while Maple Syrup contains fructose, it does have the benefits of antioxidants which is a plus.  Instead of putting brown sugar into your oatmeal, a half of a teaspoon of Maple Syrup would make a “healthier” alternative.

Brown Rice syrup contains no fructose. The bad side is that is contains no nutrients or antioxidants either.  If you have to sweeten up a dish, Brown Rice syrup is usually the best idea.

Remember, four grams of sugar equals one teaspoon of sugar.  When you’re reading a label on any “healthy” food or “healthy” alternative, check out how many grams of sugar listed. You should also look for hidden sugars, often touted as “fructose” or “corn”, and don’t forget to also check how many servings per container- this is especially important know for beverages.

Is there a healthy alternative to sugar? No and yes. There are better options than using straight white sugar. But these alternatives come with trade-offs, either lack of nutrients or high levels of fructose.

My book helps you decipher all this information and really gain control over your  sugar intake.  Oh, and if you want a free gift click below to download my FREE Sugar Safety Sheet.