Vanilla Oil Coffee Recipe

Vanilla Oil Coffee Recipe

Vanilla Oil Coffee recipe. Go ahead, think it. “Gross”- well, don’t knock it until you try it. This sugar-free and oil-based coffee recipe actually is a signature recipe from me that is packed with health benefits!

Vanilla essential oils do everything from ease anxiety and nausea to promote acne-free skin and shiny hair.  Now, coffee – well, I don’t like stimulants. I prefer everyone to drink decaf coffee and only if they have to drink coffee. If this is you, this recipe will be loved for years to come. Oh, and while coffee is a stimulate, it does have many benefits.

First, here is how coffee works: Caffeine binds to certain receptors in the brain like a key fitting into a lock. When caffeine blocks adenosine, stimulating brain chemicals like glutamate and dopamine join the party and flow more freely — giving you a surge of energy, improving mental performance, and slowing age-related mental decline. Caffeine also increases serotonin, a major mood influencer. The boost makes you feel more positive, and it’s strong enough to measurably affect depression. Studies also show that caffeine improves learning by up to 10%.  Caffeine can even relieve headaches and migraines by constricting blood vessels in the brain that are opening too wide.

So, what is the recipe? Check it out below.

Cold, Vanilla Oil Coffee

One 8 ounce cup of decaf coffee – allow to cool to room temperature.

2 drops vanilla essential oil

1 cup of crushed iced

5 raspberries (yes, exactly)

To make: simply blend everything together for less than a minute.  Pour into a cold glass and serve.  You will feel happier, have better skin, nicer hair, and your stomach will thank you! Now, it is IBS awareness month. Coffee may not be the best idea based on how bad your symptoms are. If this is the case, simply replace the coffee with unsweetened cashew or almond milk. It tastes just as good but you get an extra helping of brain-boosting protein while helping your stomach.

*Note- either way, you can turn these two recipes into Popsicles during the summer. Want more recipes?

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