Summertime….. Is it Time for a Sugar Detox???

Sugar Detox

3 Reasons You Need to Give Sugar a Break… Even During the Middle of Summer!

Once the 4th of July celebration is over I feel like summertime is half over as well. It’s as if I need to hurry up and stuff in all the summer activities that I haven’t done yet. There are so many cookouts, art fairs, concerts yet to experience! But that also means, more or the stuff that causes me to ditch the desire to eat clean and healthy. Ugh… summertime IS fun time, but summertime IS also a great time to hit the “pause button” too. Let’s take a closer look why… Did you know the average American eats over 150 pounds of sugar a year? This shouldn’t come as much surprise when you consider how addictive sugar is. Seriously, eating sugar is anything but sweet. It’s one of the worst things you could possibly eat…. and one of the most addictive substances there is. That’s right. Sugar is absolutely one of the most addictive things out there, and it’s in everything. Did I mention it’s also one of the biggest causes of disease and obesity as well? So not only does it have us hooked, but it’s making us sick, overweight, and exhausted. If that isn’t enough…think about this…sugar AGES you! If you knew how sugar was destroying your body and mind, it would only make sense to do a sugar detox and see how much better you could feel. Yep, summertime IS fun time… but it’s also a time when we unconsciously fall off the wagon of clean eating and eat way to much of the white stuff… hidden in so many summer fun foods.

Do You Need a Sugar Detox in the Summertime?

The negative health impacts of eating a surplus of sugar (which most of us do) can be a little shocking. Not only is it more addictive than cocaine, but according to Dr. Mercola, “evidence is mounting that sugar is the primary factor causing not just obesity, but also chronic and lethal disease.” Sugar affects the body and brain in more ways than you could imagine. Some professionals even claim that eating too much sugar should be considered just as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. Aside from the fact that you’ll feel so much better without it, here are a few more reasons why you should seriously consider taking a break from sugar.

3 Reasons Why You Need to Detox from Sugar in the Summer

1.​ Sugar is Highly Addictive

Sugar addiction is very real. If you don’t believe it, try to stop eating it and see what happens. Our brains react to sugar very much like they do to drugs and alcohol. Eating excess sugar releases increases dopamine levels in the brain, giving us that sugar “high” we’re all familiar with. This high however, is also accompanied by a low. Which is exactly when you begin to feel moody and crave something sweet. Eat a cookie, feel better. Simple, right? Not so much. While sugar produces more dopamine in the brain, it’s doing something else. Dopamine is the main neurotransmitter responsible for addiction. Too much of it changes brain chemistry so that the brain begins to rely on the presence of a substance (in this case sugar) to make it function normally. When those sugar cravings hit, it’s really your brain signaling that it needs to balance its dopamine levels. Not giving into the sugar cravings will keep dopamine depleted and leave you feeling sluggish, irritable, and unfocused. Sound familiar? It could be because you’re addicted to sugar and you didn’t even know it.

2. Sugar Causes Nutrient Deficiency and Imbalance

Your body needs a certain balance to maintain a healthy function. Eating too much sugar however destroys this delicate balance, leaving you sick and more prone to disease. Not only does sugar disrupt the mineral balances in your body, but also interferes with your body’s ability to absorb calcium, magnesium, and protein. Sugar also decreases levels of vitamin E in the body. And seeing that vitamin E is responsible for helping the body fight toxins, good for eyesight, and an excellent defense for certain neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s it makes sense to do everything you can to keep ample levels of vitamin E in your system.

3.​ Sugar Increases the Risk of Disease and Illness

From feeding cancer cells and increasing blood pressure to headaches and gastrointestinal issues, sugar is doing more harm to your body than you’re likely even aware of. Did you know that sugar contributes to osteoporosis and may lead to arthritis and multiple sclerosis? Sugar has also shown to cause cardiovascular disease, appendicitis, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids. Tooth decay and gum disease are a given, and people with Parkinson’s disease have shown to have a high sugar intake. Cataracts and nearsightedness have also been associated with excess sugar intake. Are you beginning to see why it’s probably time to give your body (and mind) a break by doing a sugar detox during the summer? While the occasional cookie won’t necessarily make you sick, if you’re like most people you’re probably consuming more than a cookie here and there. On average a typical person eats around 22 teaspoons of sugar each and every day. It’s in everything and often added to things we wouldn’t even imagine contained sugar. Protein and energy bars, condiments, salad dressings, barbecue sauce, ice cream, fat-free products, yogurt, chips, and crackers are all culprits of containing hidden sugars. Even when you think you’re eating a healthy diet with minimal sugar, you’d be surprised at what’s lurking in the ingredients.  

Taking Control of Your Sugar Consumption

Sugar doesn’t have to control your life. If you feel powerless to the sugar cravings you experience, it’s time to regain your strength back. Taking control of your sugar consumption can be done. And it can be done quickly so you can feel and look your best in as little as ten days. Seriously… 10 days! I created a 10-day all natural sugar detox because there was once a time when I couldn’t control my cravings. And even though I thought I was making healthy choices, I was still sipping on way too much “sugar-free” lattes, couldn’t say no to sweet treats, and thought a power bar was a perfect meal replacement. The thing is I was anything but healthy. I was exhausted. And cranky. And knew I couldn’t continue to live the way I was living. Which is exactly why I made a commitment to change, and am now (at the age of almost 60) enjoying the best health I’ve experienced my entire life. I’ve got more energy than ever before and am passionate about sharing what I’ve found with others. My 10-day all natural sugar detox program is designed around using whole foods that give your body all the goodness it needs while eliminating the icky, toxic stuff that is keeping you from being as healthy as you should. If you’re ready to feel more energized, focused, and lose the excess weight you can’t seem to shed, ditch the sugar and indulge in a detox instead. (Plus you won’t feel deprived of the sweet stuff) So if that bulge over your bathing suit is getting out of control, you’re constantly hitting the snooze every morning because you feel exhausted when you really should feel well rested from a good night of sleep, or just you’re just plain old tired of walking around in a brain fog that leaves you feeling cranky ….maybe it’s time to do a summer reset. After all…you still have an entire second half of the summer to enjoy! Yes, summertime IS the time to do a detox! So don’t let another weekend or holiday slip by. Dive into a sugar detox that will get you feeling fit and fabulous. Got Questions?  I have answers. Not sure where to start? Contact me today: