Simple Tip to Crush Sugar Cravings

Here’s a Simple Tip to Crush Cravings (and maybe lose a few pounds too)…

In case you haven’t noticed by now, I love sharing tips on how to crush sugar cravings and lose weight. Undoubtedly, it is a process and it’s a lifestyle. And God knows, I don’t always do it perfectly. I do the best I can and I tell my clients to do the same… until we can all can do better! Today I have 1 tip to crush sugar cravings that is simple… and it works every time! Drink more water. I made this video earlier this month and I thought I would share it with you. CLICK HERE.

Drink more water. And here are reasons why….

1. Craving sugar? Maybe you feel low on energy? We lose water every day in the breath we exhale, in our sweat, and in our urine and stool.  So it’s important to drink plenty of water every day to prevent dehydration. When we are dehydrated we feel sluggish and can’t think so clearly. So drink water! Your brain will thank you as the brain fog lifts when you are adequately hydrated and you will have more get up and go.. plus you can say “pass” to the sweet, sugary stuff.

2. Do you have digestive problems? Much of the research says it doesn’t matter if you drink water with your meal. From my personal experience and my research I disagree. If you are like I was, dealing with digestive issues, drinking liquids during your meal dilutes your naturally occurring digestive enzymes and stomach acids which makes it harder to breakdown food. Instead, slow down, chew your food and create saliva and you can eat comfortably without lots of liquids. Allow your saliva to naturally help you swallow your food.

However, a cup of water before a meal will  help you to eat less. My recommendation: drink water or other liquids 20 mins before you consume food and wait at least an hour after. Did you know that consuming wafter after your meal is a great way to flush toxins and soften stool?

Best practice: if you focus on hydrating yourself between meals vs. during you will be adequately hydrated throughout the day and allowing your food to be digested without complicating the process. If you must drink liquids with a meal, sip on something warm.

3. Did you know water promotes detoxification? Even if you aren’t doing a detox, water is even more important than ever. It will help your body to flush the toxins you are releasing throughout you day. It is natural detox all by itself and the best part is your skin will glow too!

Are you getting enough water?

Be sure drink half your weight in ounces of water each day.  Example – if you weigh 150 pounds, you will drink 75 ounces of water every day.  Drink more when you exercise and in hot weather.  You may just be surprised that you really aren’t drinking enough. Here’s why: for every cup of coffee, tea or soft drink, you lose 1 cup of water. Love your cocktail hour? No worries, just make sure you are drinking 2 cups of water for every 1 cocktail or alcoholic beverage to replace what alcohol negated from your water intake. For best results to crush sugar cravings I stress to all my clients to be accountable. Keeping track of your water consumption in your food diary is just as important as making sure you are recording your physical and emotional feelings, as well as the foods you eat. These are all important elements to look at if you really want to crush sugar cravings for good. By the way, decaffeinated herbal teas and coconut water count toward your daily quota, too! And did you know that raw veggies are a great food source of hydration? That is another reason why I drink green smoothies and/or salads in my daily meal plan!

Here’s how to drink more water

I hear from many of my clients that they aren’t a fan of plain water… I get it! Sure you can try infusing it with lemon, lime or cucumber and berries. But sometimes that is more of a hassle when you are super busy. That’s why I reach for one of my 5 favorite Certified Pure Essential Oils to help me drink more water: Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Wild Orange, and Cinnamon. You can order these oils right now by clicking here. (Or if you want to buy at wholesale prices like, I do email me back!) New to Essential Oils? I’ll happily send you 5 different samples (no obligation) of some of these amazing Essential Oils I use and then you can see how they make a difference in the amount of water you consume and how they help to crush your sugar cravings. Just ask me! Be sure to check in with the Facebook business page to ask my any questions or to share stories or recipes with others. I’m here to help… let’s talk soon.  ]]>