Fight Flu with Fruit

Fight Flu with Fruit


Prime Your Defenses the Natural Way!

Taking vitamin C before you get a cold or the flu can be help keep you healthy, but this does not require adding another pill to your daily regimen. There are natural, healthy ways to ensure you and your family are getting the vitamins necessary to stay healthy this winter.

Fresh fruit is the answer!

As preventative or reactionary measures, eating fruit high in vitamin C can improve health and recovery times. Your immune system contains a number of natural defenders that spring into action at the first sign of illness. Invading microorganisms like cold or flu viruses are attacked by your white blood cells. When vitamin C levels are high, your white blood cells are better prepared to neutralize the attacking virus.

Besides the ability to fight flu with fruit. You get a few more added benefits.

• First, fruit is also a natural way to remove toxins in your body due to it soluble fiber content. We need at least 28 grams of fiber a day? Are you getting enough?  Soluble fiber from fruits binds with excess cholesterol in you blood and passes through help lower total blood cholesterol levels too.

• Secondly, the water content of fruits helps you to keep hydrated. Very important during flu season, especially if you are starting to feel stuffy or congested. Sometimes it can be tough to drink 8 or more glasses of water during the day during the winter. Consuming more fruit and you will improve you body’s hydration.

• If you are diabetic, soluble fiber also delays sugar absorption and helps stabilize overall blood sugar levels. Just be sure to consume low glycemic load fruits like berries or melon, for example and only 15 grams of carbohydrate per serving. That is the secret to being able to eat fruit as a diabetic.

Fight the Flu with These Fruits

Next time you are strolling down the produce aisle, remember the old cliché “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and pick up some apples, a kiwi or three, and a couple papayas. Yes, you read that right: kiwi! Don’t feel restricted to the traditional citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits to find the vitamin C your body needs. Though these are great options, there are alternatives.

1. Let’s hear it for the kiwi! The kiwi fruit is one of the most highly concentrated sources of vitamin C. It does not skimp of vitamin E either, which is used by the body to produce antibodies. Did you know you can even eat the ENTIRE kiwi, skin and all? Yep, it preserves much of the vitamin C content and tripes the fiber intake! just be sure it is organic AND rub it thoroughly to remove all the fuzz off the skin!

2. Papayas are not far behind these little fuzzy fruits. These delicious delicacies have a hefty 250 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin C along with beta-carotene and vitamin E that will reduce inflammation through the body, which can help with asthma.

3. And yes, the recommended “apple a day…” is an affordable, easy snack option. They have the antioxidant effect equivalent of 1,500 mg of Vitamin C and may help prevent heart disease and cancer.

5 Other Natural Solutions to Fight Flu

Of course, there are several other lifestyle choices that will help you and your loved ones to keep your line of defense strong as you fight flu this season and for seasons to come.

1. Sleep – It’s a natural defense for flue that you ready do have control over. Be sure you are getting enough sleep during flu season – 7-9 hours of rest is best. An ample amount of sleep helps your immune system to stay strong, allow your other body system to repair, keep your hormones stable. If you are as busy as me, schedule it in your day, on your calendar, like any other appointment that you need to keep. Make sleep a priority and you won’t lose time (and money) missing work and hanging out at the doctor’s office. 

2. Cut out the sugar – I can never get tired of say it! It’s a well know fact that sugar will leave you defenseless over those nasty bugs when they hit. Feel powerless of the sweet stuff? Check out my book: All Natural Sugar Detox. This book will guide you on how to identify, eliminate and restore yourself to vibrant health.

Also be sure to pick up my Sugar Safety Sheet” too! It’s a great handy guide to help you to know just what sugars are the most harmful and what natural sugar.

3. Zinc it Up – Studies show that zinc deficiency is associated with increased cold and flu. Sure you can get zinc by eating foods highest in zinc which include oysters, poultry, meat, nuts, seeds and cacao (chocolate — yum!). Also consider additional supplementation. It’s inexpensive and simple… and more importantly, it’s an important mineral for immunity and other functions of your body. Click this link to learn more about zinc. Looking for the BEST zinc supplement? CLICK HERE to see what I use and recommend. Plus, you can get 15% off retail by using this access code:f it4ever2

4. Bone Broth – Stock on bone broth in your freezer BEFORE flu season hits. It’s easy to make, tastes delicious and loaded with immune-boosting minerals and vitamins. CLICK HERE to get a copy of my go-to recipe! I created 2 versions, so my vegan friends have an option too : )

5. Essential Oils – Lastly, if fruit really isn’t your thing for whatever reason, consider using essential oils to fight seasonal/environmental threats this season. I don’t leave the house without a bottle of doTERRA On Guard essential oil. Actually, I use the entire On Guard product line, including laundry detergent, toothpaste, hand soap and concentrate. I trust this company and this blend of the purest essential oils to protect me during the season of seasonal/environmental threats. Plus, I love convenience of the On Guard gel caps since I’m always on the go! 

IF you have any questions about doTERRA On Guard Essential Oil or essential oils in general, book a free consult and I can help you to learn what will work best for you! CLICK HERE or just go directly to my website to order!

Wishing you and yours a healthy and happy “non-flu” season!

Roseann Zaft