If you can't tone it… tan it?? Summer Sun Safety Tips…

Summer Sun Safety

Years ago my friend Janey and I use to kid around saying… “if you can’t tone it… tan it”! Let’s face it, who doesn’t like that sun-kissed glow that only Mother Nature can give us. Admittedly, I know I do. Now with skin cancer awareness on the rise, so many of us are using “tan in a bottle” lotions to give us a little color. Yes. Guilty. I tried that stuff too. But did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? And everything that you put on it has a direct effect on your health… either helpful or harmful.  Anything that can potentially harm body tissue, like sunscreen and self-tanners contains harmful toxins. Many of the chemicals we ingest on through our skin daily get deposited into our fat cells. Top that with a diet/lifestyle that lacks certain nutrients impairs our body’s natural ability to detoxify chemicals, leading to further build-up within the body. Can you say “toxic overload”?

Here’s what I mean…. When we are exposed to a toxic substance, white blood cells surround it, creating inflammation to protect the rest of the body. In this sense, creating inflammation is beneficial, and shows our immune system is doing its job. However, when we are constantly exposed to harmful substances, our immune system is constantly creating inflammation as an attempt to protect the body. Over time, this constant production of inflammation causes our immune system to weaken and become overloaded with toxins. The end result?  Because we are constantly exposed to toxins from many different sources, the body loses its ability to function properly. Hello “dis-ease”.

Now that summer is here, it’s time to take a look at what we are putting on our skin.

We are told to slather on the SPX 50 to “protect” ourselves and repeat often. But before you apply .. then re-apply …. again…and again… consider this… most sunscreens contain highly toxic ingredients or chemicals that cause the inflammation I spoke about and cause the delicate balance of our hormones to go out of whack because they are endocrine disrupters. The FDA now has document that sunscreens also do not prevent skin cancer .. but instead my actually raise the risk.

I found a great resource to check out your brand from the EWG. Be sure to check it out here.

There are options… wear a hat, put on a lightweight shirt, get in the shade, don’t go outside between noon -4pm. But what if you’re spending a day at the beach, a family picnic or enjoying other summertime activities…. and you don’t want to use the commercial brands?

There are natural alternative and they smells amazing. These solutions could be safer if you are taking medications that increase sunburn risk.. or if you are one of those that burn easily. Yep, they It’are even safer for kids* (see note below). Many of the ingredients I use in my Sunsafe/Skinsafe Sunscreen have a natural SPF.

Most of them you can get a health stores. Better yet, check out THRIVE MARKET. They offer 4,000 of the highest quality food, supplements, home, personal care,and beauty products from the best brands on the market, all delivered straight to their doors at 25-50% below retail prices. The individual ingredients I use in my Sunsafe Skinsafe Sunscreen that are naturally SPF are:

  • Almond Oil – SPF around 5
  • Coconut Oil –  SPF 4-6
  • Zinc Oxide – SPF 2-20 depending on how much used
  • Red Raspberry Seed Oil  – SPF 25-50
  • Carrot Seed Oil – SPF 35-40
  • Shea Butter – SPF 4-6

Love the skin your in!

Bottom line… pay attention to what you are putting what you are putting in your body…. and on your body. Avoid toxic overload and you keep your skin glow going and your mojo moving! If you need more ideas, tips and SOLUTIONS, let’s start a conversation.