Fall Back into Healthy Habits

Fall Back into Healthy Habits

Do you ever notice how much harder it seems to get going in the mornings when the weather starts to change? Yep, fall is definitely upon us…and if you’re anything like me, the energy to get up and go in the mornings seems to wane as summer does the same. Time to fall back into healthy habits!

I think this is something that happens to most of us. I mean, who doesn’t want to stay snuggled in bed when it’s barely light outside? It’s our natural instinct to want to slow down as summer fades away. We’re getting ready to “cocoon” for the winter. Shorter days are coming quickly upon us and our bodies naturally know this.

Speaking of winter…with fall descending quickly upon us, the holidays are also just right around the corner. And you know as well as I do what this means. That’s right. Sugar (and gobs of it) is just around the corner. Halloween will be here before we know it. And the temptation to dip into the sugary treats doesn’t end until Easter.

This is why fall is actually my favorite time to do a little detox. I know that as healthy as I try to be all the time (the holidays included), I’m not immune from the overload of temptations we’re all faced with during the fall and winter months. This is why it’s vital to establish some healthy habits before we’re hit with the inevitable.

Don’t worry. You’re not alone…and I’ve got ya covered. I’ve found some ways that will help you “fall” back into healthy habits as summers wanes away.

Get Moving

When the weather starts to cool off so can our motivation to exercise. Keeping your body moving and staying active it just as important now as it was in the summer. Stay on top of your exercise routine by switching things up with some of my “fall favorites” on the exercise front.

Can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning? I hear ya. This is exactly why I’ve developed an awesome series of stretches you can do right from the comfort of your own bed. That’s right! You can get your body moving (and feel awesome) even before your feet hit the floor. Click here to see how easy it can be to get in a bit of movement before you even start your day.

I know the weather’s cooling off, but it’s not winter yet. Fall weather is some of the best for putting another layer on and taking yourself outside. The leaves are changing and it’s gorgeous outside, which makes the perfect setting to take a stroll outside and get your blood pumping in the fresh fall air. Walking for just 30 minutes, five times a week will not only get you moving, but is awesome for your overall health as well.

Boost Your Immunity

As the seasons change it’s easy to catch the sniffles or even come down with a full-blown seasonal cold. Never any fun. Do your best to stay healthy by boosting your immunity so you can stay healthy and strong as the seasons change in full force. I personally love using essential oils around this time of year for this very reason. My 3 personal faves for boosting my immune system include:

1. Lemon Lemon is an awesome essential oil for detoxing the body. Just a few drops in some warm water in the morning (or throughout the day) will clean out the toxins from your bloodstream and keep you going strong. As our days get colder and  windows are not open as much, lemon oil’s refreshing smell will help you to perk up everything around. It makes a great aid in cleaning up stuffy air. I use it in my diffuser and as a replacement for many of my cleaning products too!

2. Peppermint Forget grabbing that extra cup of coffee on those dark fall mornings. Peppermint oils is a natural solution to help you feel more alert. Great for that seasonal mental fog that seems to descend on all of us once the days begin to get shorter and summer starts to fade. Not only that, but it’s also great for relieving head and neck tension/discomfort too. Got digestive issues? Peppermint essential oil is something you definitely want to have on hand at all times. It’s also fabulous at helping reduce sugar cravings, which you know I’m adamant about helping people do!

3. Lavender A big part of boosting your immunity is getting plenty the rest you need. We’re all on overdrive pretty much all the time…which can lead to some serious immune depletion and energy loss. Incorporate some lavender essential oil into your life and you’re going to see a difference. It will help not only help you get the sleep you need, but does a pretty amazing job of balancing your overall wellbeing as well.

 Clean Up Your Eating Habits

If summertime had you making some not so great choices as far as food’s concerned, don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s one of the easiest times to get carried away with eating junk (there’s so many options and things going on) and can be difficult to keep up with healthy eating habits. Let fall be your time to change all this and dedicate the changing of the seasons to changing up your diet.

I’m a huge fan of soup this time of year. Cooler weather is a great excuse to warm up in the kitchen. Click here for my Zesty Carrot Soup recipe that is not only delish, but is full of the ingredients your body needs to get rid of the toxic gunk and establish a healthy ground.

Dive into fall fruits like cranberries and apples (try my awesome healthy apple pie recipe) that both offer plenty of antioxidants that will not only help you stay healthy, but fight the aging process at the same time.

Also be sure you’re getting a ton of different colored veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins in every day. I love fall flavors and eating in season can really do a lot to establish a healthy ground to build upon as the weather gets colder. Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, beets and squash all make the perfect companions to a balanced fall meal and are a healthy way to welcome this seasonal change.

 Take Time for You

Taking time for yourself is vital in developing and maintaining healthy habits. As summer comes to a close do yourself a favor and make more time for you. Do your best to get plenty of sleep and take the time your body needs to decompress from the accumulated summer stress. Be sure to get plenty of sleep (don’t forget about the lavender essential oil for this) and do your best to get grounded before the real seasonal stress kicks in. The holidays after all are just right around the corner.

Get Help so You Don’t “Fall” Back

I’d love to help you make some changes and get back in gear with maintaining healthier habits as we quickly make our way out of summer and head into fall…and the craziness of the holiday season. Grab a copy of my book All Natural Sugar Detox that will help you on your way by offering plenty of ways for you to kick your sugar habit…and make room for all the healthy goodness your body and mind deserve.

I’ve also made grabbing your essential oils for fall a breeze. Just click here to see how I can help you save on some of the finest essential oils you can find. And if you’ve got any questions about making healthy habits a lasting part of this seasonal change, be sure to email me personally at roseann@roseannzaft.com and I’ll happily get back to you with ways to fall back into a healthier you.