What Happened When I Woke Up from My Sugar Coma

Sugar Addiction

Sugar Coma? Who Me? Little did I realize that once I got clean from my alcohol and drug addiction I would need to face another addiction: sugar. This addiction had me living in a coma. Honestly, for me, that was tough to face since I didn’t even know that I was addicted to sugar. How could I be? I was clean and sober for over a year and I really believed I was eating healthy. Wow was I mistaken. However, I’m so excited to tell you what happened when I woke up from my sugar coma You see, I didn’t know sugar was destroying my body and my mind just as much as the alcohol and drugs did. I thought my morning  ritual of bagels and venti sugar-free lattes where healthy choices. I ate energy bars for lunch; after all, they are called “energy” bars. Oddly, I still felt pretty crappy… and I couldn’t understand why. Then I realized that I was living, but i was living in a sugar coma. My  world was full  of unconscious and powerless choices that revolved around sugar. Once I kicked my sugar habit and woke up from my sugary food coma my entire world shifted and I felt amazing. There were 3 things I noticed physically once I learned how to live without sugar. I wasn’t getting sick so often and if I did, my recovery was quick. I had more energy for longer periods of time without having to grab a cup of coffee or a sugary snack to keep me going. Beside people telling me I looked younger than my age, I actually felt a youthful energy I hadn’t felt for a long time! I also notice that my thinking became clear again specifically because I wasn’t always thinking about my next “sugar fix”. My brain and my gut were feeling healthier. I had more time to focus and become more productive in my life and my career began to flourish. The best part for me was that I finally was finding my more peace of mind knowing how to make healthier choices in times of stress. As much as it seems to make you feel good, sugar is doing anything but. When I finally did step away from my “not so sweet” habits, I discovered just how much sugar was affecting my body and mind…and I was shocked at what I found.

6 Ways Sugar Destroys Your Body and Mind

You know sugar’s bad for you, but do you really know how bad it actually is? If you did, it might make reaching for that morning energy bar or afternoon cookie a little easier to resist. Seriously. Consuming too much sugar (which is super easy to do) will literally destroy your body and mind, but not too many people are actually even aware of this. I mean we know it’s not good for us…but so many people are honestly really in the dark when it comes to knowing just how bad it really is. When I realized how bad sugar really was it became my mission to share this information with others. Not only are we completely addicted to it, but it’s destroying our health as well. Sugar’s in everything, we’re totally addicted to it, and it’s doing more damage to our bodies and minds than we actually think.

 3 Ways Sugar Destroys your Body

We’ve all heard that sugar can cause type II diabetes and most of us know that it’s terrible for our teeth, but the ill effects of sugar on the body go far beyond what most of us understand. Excess sugar consumption wreaks havoc on the body in more ways than one.

  1. It Lowers Your Immune Function

Sugar is the most damaging food source to our immune system. Not only does it deplete nutrients from the body, but destroys the ability of white blood cells to properly do their job (which is to defend the body from infection). The more sugar you eat, the worse off your immune system is. Eating too much sugar literally makes you sick and more vulnerable for disease.

  1. It Zaps Your Energy

Don’t let the sugar high deceive you. Sugar actually causes fatigue and makes you feel tired. Sugar makes blood sugar levels soar….and then drop quickly. The result? You’re left tired and feel exhausted, which makes you want to reach for more sugar, which makes you start the whole cycle all over again. If you’re feeling exhausted and can’t figure out why, it’s safe to say that too much sugar could definitely be the reason why.

  1. It Causes Premature Aging  (check out my last blog) 

If you want to take years off your complexion you don’t need to spend money on surgery or continue to buy cream that costs a fortune…you just need to cut sugar out of your diet. Sugar totally depletes the skin of collagen and elastin (the proteins that keep skin supple) and leaves us with sallow, sagging skin. Sugar is the number one culprit for making you look older than you really are. Skip the sugar and you’ll save yourself years. Trust me, it works.

3 Ways Sugar Destroys the Mind

Did you know that sugar is literally making you stupid? That’s right. Study after study shows that sugar is extremely degenerative to the brain in excess amounts. This is a little scary when you think that nearly half of Americans consume almost a half-pound of sugar every single day…What exactly is sugar doing to our brains and how is it destroying our cognitive function?

  1. It’s Linked to Memory Loss

Trouble remembering where you put the keys? This could be linked to your sugar intake. One study done on sugar’s effects on the brain showed that people with higher blood sugar levels scored lower on memory tests. More sugar in the blood is also associated with a lower volume of the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain linked to memory.

  1. There’s a Connection Between our Gut and Our Brain

A diet that’s high in sugar leads to changes in gut bacteria that in turn leads to changes in cognitive function. The changes sugar causes to the bacteria in our guts is directly related to a loss of cognitive flexibility, which is how our brain adapts to changing situations. Basically, the bacteria in our gut communicates with our brain. And if there’s disharmony in the gut there’s going to be disharmony in the brain.

  1. It’s Shown to Cause Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s is the third largest cause of death behind cancer and heart disease, which shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise when you consider the amount of sugar in the average American’s diet. It’s true. A diet high in sugar significantly increases your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It all has to do with the insulin your brain produces. Less insulin means an increase in the risk for Alzheimer’s, with excess sugar intake being a direct cause of lower insulin levels in the brain.

The sad truth is that these are only a few of the many ways sugar is completely wreaking havoc on your body and mind. Living in a sugar coma due to eexcess sugar consumption has also been linked to countless other health problems including:

• Digestive Issue • Certain Cancers • Osteoporosis • Ulcers • Hypoglycemia • Menstrual Problems • Depression, Anxiety, and other Psychological Issues • Decreased Muscle Mass • Candida

Are you struggling with any of these? Did you don’t have to live with these any of these “dis-eases” any more. You can live healthier and happier at any age. I’m living proof!

How You Can Wake Up from Your Sugar Coma

When I became aware of just how bad sugar really is for my body and mind I found a way to wake up from my sugar coma and kick my the sugar habit. I knew I had to share this information with others. We don’t deserve to be slave to the sweet allure of sugar, and we certainly don’t deserve to deal with the ill-effects it brings. I developed my All Natural Sugar Detox that’s designed with whole foods (and a lot of love) to help you ditch your sugar habit for good. By cutting out what’s harmful and replacing it with what’s helpful we can reverse the damage sugar’s done to our body and mind, and look and feel a whole lot better in the process. In just ten short days you’ll be able to turn your health around and begin to take control of your body and mind. Cutting down on sugar and replacing sweet treats with super yummy and healthy whole food snacks will make you feel amazing and keep your body healthy and your mind sharp. Years ago a client said to me, “Rose, you’ve got to be strong to grow old”. Was she ever right! Cut out the sugar, you’re sweet enough… you’ll grow stronger in body and mind.  Wake up… It’s never too late! Need extra getting out of your sugar coma? Ready to do what it takes to grow stronger in your mind and body and you grow older? Shoot me an email, I here to help!