Healthy Living Tips for Beginners

Healthy Living Tips for Beginners

Resolutions are all the rage this time of year. But the vast majority get made in the gusto of the moment and then forgotten nearly as quick. This year I do not want to make any resolution recommendations, but I want to make a couple of habit recommendations.

Cook at home.

Food prepared in the home tends to be healthier than take out options. Often lower in fat and sodium, meals at home tend to offer more in the way of fruits and vegetables than are available in the fast food drive thru. Not to mention the cost savings. Cutting back on dinners out will save you quite a bit of cash.

Make a vegetable habit.

Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of the nutrients that our bodies need. Make it a habit to have at least one fruit or vegetable at every meal. Snack time can be much healthier when you keep fresh fruit in the house— Be sure to rotate through various options to keep yourself and your family from growing tired of any particular fruit. Kiwis, apples, papayas, grapefruit, bananas—they are all delicious and packed full of the vitamins and minerals we all need.

Make a multivitamin habit.

A healthy diet can still fall short of your body’s needs. Supplement your food intake with a proper vitamin regimen—even if that translates to a gummy multivitamin daily. Multivitamins can help you stay healthier and feel better and may even promote weight loss. Taking vitamins is an essential part of maintaining proper health throughout the year. B-vitamins combat depression, boost energy levels and help reduce stress. Iron also helps boost energy levels. Zinc works to boost immune health, healing, and helps your skin, hair, and nails stay healthy.

Make a walking habit.

A plethora of exercise resolutions will be made and coupled with new gym memberships, but few of these resolutions will be kept. So while I would really recommend a well-rounded exercise regimen with strength training and aerobic activity, some activity is still much better than no activity. A walk after lunch with coworkers or after dinner with the family is a great way to boost your activity level with minimal effort. It could even improve your relationships and overall mood. Get outside and a take a walk. It will provide you with both physical activity and reduce stress by boosting endorphins.