LIVFITT Services

Providing active aging adults 50+ with the health and fitness support they need to age well!

Client Testimonial

"My core strength and flexibility have improved dramatically. My lower back is the best it’s been in many years. An added bonus is my golf shots are longer, a lot longer. I can’t thank Roseann enough for the new me!"

Bob W.

Why I’m Different from the Rest!

I confidently practice a holistic approach to fitness, health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of life are connected. This vital health step is often overlooked by other trainers and coaches, leaving many people with “good enough” results at the end of the day. I believe that we have to look at the whole picture to be able to make a long-lasting lifestyle change.

Work with me live or virtually!


Your body is a temple, and it needs to be treated as one. Anyone can exercise on their own, but that doesn’t mean the routine is effective. Anything worth doing is worth doing right, which where I come in.  Walking and jogging may be OK for some clients, but most clients need a comprehensive and all-encompassing fitness program that is tailored to their goals, their body, and their capabilities.  I strive to provide result-driven fitness training with my concierge-like approach.


No two people are alike. We all have different bodies, metabolisms, underlying medical issues (or not) and various goals for weight loss. We also have different schedules, limits, needs, and lifestyles. With that said, I always find it curious that someone would want a cookie-cutter approach to health and nutrition, only to become frustrated when it doesn’t work.

I focus on you. My clients are individuals, and I treat them as such.  When you work with me for health and fitness coaching, I consider your history, including what has worked and didn’t work in the past.  We discuss your goals and your challenges. You’re not a client by number—you’re a client by name!


Health and Wellness is a transformative process. I believe in whole, clean living with a strong natural undertone. Dietary changes address approximately 80% of health issues, but medical issues for the other 20%. This is why I am an advocate for doTERRA oils. Complete body care has to start from the inside out and from the top of the head to the last pinky toe.  doTERRA oils aid your daily efforts in everything from being part of a resourceful and natural cleansing recipe (who needs those harsh toxins, anyway?) to evolving your family’s healthcare away from the harsh and often addictive applications associated with western medicine.


Join my fitness training sessions online!


Sure, technology can be intimidating at times, but now virtual training is easier than ever before. LIVFITT offers on-line live  private and small group fitness classes are the perfect way to keep you moving, breathing and feeling feeling as good as you can. Together we will work to keep you living fit and aging well.