Rebooting After A Sugar Slip

Life happens. I’ml human. It’s happened to me…. a sugar slips. It’s because I’m human and I don’t do things as perfectly as I would like. It’s going to happened to you too. You’re going to make mistakes and give into cravings. Don’t freak. I want you to know that it is all right and that you can “get back on the horse.” A slip of sugar is just that – a slip. If you let that slip become an excuse to throw all of your hard-work out the window, well then you might need a little more coaching to deal with those food and addiction issues. My friends, there are simple ways of rebooting after a sugar slip… read on! The biggest thing you can do when you slip on sugar is to reboot and rebound. Accept it as a bump in the road and move on. Don’t dwell. Don’t beat yourself up emotionally. I did that way too many times until finally a friend pointed out to me that I could reboot at any time. Don’t let your sugar slip become permission to eat more sugar or eat poorly. Know that it happened and that you are putting the sugar slip behind you. When you rebooting after a sugar slip, you simply need to focus on getting back to eating healthy. Seek out alternatives to white and artificial sugars. Seek out non-processed foods and snacks. Seek out support, like contacting me for ideas on eating, shopping, and even yoga.  Focus on your health goals and how you want to feel. By keeping the fact that you’re human and you can move on from the sugar slip, you are keeping options open to succeed- not fail. Understanding and owning our choices – even if they are sometimes harmful – give us the chances needed to make better, more helpful decisions. Sugar slips happen, but it is how we move on and what we decide to eat from that point out that really makes a difference! So what do I do? My “go-to” for rebooting from a sugar slip is delicious and nutritious green smoothie. And listen, green smoothies don’t have to taste like grass or sludge! My green smoothies are packed with amazing ingredients, combining greens and fruits — which means a lot of great fiber to help me detox from my sugar slip. Plus, when made properly with healthy fats and vegan protein, a green smoothie will help to balance blood sugar. I always “boost” my green smoothies with super foods to give me that extra boost of energy I need after my sugar slip, it’s a sure way to reboot my body and mind! If you’re seeking out more support and more information to help recover and reboot from a current or future sugar slips please consider my eBook on my favorite green smoothie recipes. It is FREE! You can download it simply by clicking this link: In the meantime, try my Tropical Green Smoothie recipe below. It is backed full of good stuff and it is naturally sweet and you will forget all about your sugar slip!


– 8 oz of filtered water or coconut water – 1-2 handful of greens (spinach, swiss chard, kale, etc) – 1-3 cup of pineapple – 1/2 cucumber, sliced into chunks (peeled) – 1-2 tbsp. coconut oil, organic, and virgin – 1-2 tbsp. hemp seed – 1 tbsp. chia seed – 1 tsp macca powder – 1/4 – 1/2 tsp. tumeric powder – 2 drops CPTG Lime Essential Oil OR juice of 1/2 lime – handful of ice cubes – small handful of cilantro (optional) Blend all ingredients into a high-speed blender and enjoy!]]>