Sugar, The NEW Cocaine

Sugar, The NEW Cocaine

People think I am harsh when I say that sugar is the NEW cocaine. This isn’t an opinion, this is fact. Sugar is just as addicting as cocaine and it changes the brain in the same fashion as cocaine. The body is also impacted by sugar in the same way, causing almost the same health complications, as if someone were to be using cocaine. Sugar is more available than cocaine, cheaper than cocaine, and it is LEGAL. From ScienceMac, “The Centers for Disease Control project a double- or triple-fold increase in the proportions of Americans with diabetes by 2050. On the low end, a study published in Population Health Metrics projects 21% of Americans will have diabetes. On the high end … 33%. In 2013, student-faculty research at Connecticut College found that in lab rats, Oreos, rich in sugar and fat, may be just as addictive as cocaine. Given the option of Oreos and rice cakes, the test rats spent as much time eating cookies as getting high on cocaine or morphine. Furthermore, the rats given Oreos were subjected to a test that measured expression of a protein called c-Fos, a known marker of neuronal activation in the part of the brain that controls the feeling of pleasure. The result was alarming: Oreos beat out both drugs by a significant margin.” So, how do you know if you’re addicted to sugar? Well my friend, You may be a sugar addict if:

  • You make excuses for your sugar. (It’s organic!)
  • To satisfy your sweet tooth, you make special trips to the store or coffee shop.
  • For motivation, you reward yourself with something sweet.
  • You have a secret sugar stash, or you binge on sugar when you’re alone.
  • You have tried to stop eating sugar, and you can’t.

Any of these sound familiar???  As always- I am available to help you break-free of a sugar addiction! Help is only an email and a conversation away  ]]>