Sugar, I Quit You… The Benefits of Walking Away and Quitting Sugar

Like any relationship in life, walking away is hard. Quitting sugar actually causes a chemical reaction in the brain, making your dependency on it as hard to quit as any drug. This said, your body will start to reap amazing rewards as soon as you start to quit sugar. What are they? I am glad you asked.

When I work with clients who are quitting sugar, one of the  first things they notice is the rapid aging process stops. Yes, sugar can give you smokers skin. You wrinkle faster, your skin is grossly dry, and you get acne and dark spots when you consume sugar. When you quit it, the skin starts to quickly improve, making you appear younger.

Weight loss is another benefit. A recent study has shown that, when calories were equal, those on a low sugar and refined carb diet burned 325 more calories a day than those eating a low fat diet! On the other hand, diets high in energy from fructose (sugar) contribute to weight gain and obesity. Quitting sugar can help you regain your shape!

Better sleep. Yes, you will sleep better when you quit sugar. For many adults, struggling with insomnia is a real thing. Most of the time, diet is a root cause of why we can’t sleep or why we have low quality sleep. When you cut sugar out of your diet, your natural sleep patterns usually return and you have better, uninterrupted sleep.

Of course, there are far more benefits to quitting sugar. If you want to work with me on how to safely cut sugar out of your diet, please feel free to connect with me and start the discussion.
