Sugar is A Sweet Poison

Sugar is A Sweet Poison

You wouldn’t walk into your local pharmacy and open a bottle of Tylenol and take the whole thing. That would be a toxic and deadly action. You wouldn’t do the same with a bottle of vitamin C and you wouldn’t do the same with a bag of Dove chocolates (hopefully). While these actions seem obvious and exaggerated, the amount of toxic sugar you are often unknowingly putting into your body every day is just as dramatic and detrimental.

In a short while I will be releasing a book on the toxic effects sugar has on the body. In fact, I will be pointing out all the hidden names of sugar and why it is so harmful to us human beings. Sugar-free items are just as bad as straight sugar because they are often packed full of preservatives or hidden sugars. It’s making me crazy knowing how ill-advised marketing copy makes consumers believe they are eating healthy when they are really dumping toxic sugar into their bodies.

I say toxic sugar because it is a sweet highly addictive drug. We crave sugar the same way anyone with a chemical or drug addiction craves a fix. The psychology is the same and just like a chemical or drug addiction, sugar can harm your health in the same manner. Your skin, teeth, weight, liver function, kidney function, arteries … they are all impacted by sugar. (Trust me, I know.)

As I mentioned, I will be releasing a book on the this subject soon but I wanted you to think about your current health and wellness goals in relation to sugar right now. Are you starting to feel that your weight loss goals or health improvement initiatives were not the best idea? Maybe the milestones you need to reach to meet your goals are starting to cramp your schedule. Whatever may be making you second guess your 2015 resolutions / goals right now, please reconsider the reasons behind them as one may be sugar! Congrats, if you’ve started to improve what you eat on January 1st.. but did you know could be going through the psychology stages of sugar reduction withdrawal right now???

You can stop the struggle… there are solutions. If you feel like sugar is a problem in your life, please contact me. I can help you decipher where hidden sugars are in your diet and what you can do to combat the cravings. Also, I have a free video on sugar and my new book located here!